Trade Bead w/Lapis Necklaces (18-246)


Historical, Wearable works of art.
Trade Beads: It is often called ‘Venetian Millefiore” originated in the 17th century, from ancient Roman and Egyptian times. They are composed of layers od cane glass all fused together at a high temperature on a basin core. They usually have a floral pattern- hence the name “millefiore” meaning thousand flowers. They were extensively for tradingon the west coast of Africa. They were bartered for ivory, gold and a single beads could sometimes buy a slave! At one time, trade beads were used as currency. The greatest repository of these beads is now in West Africa. Trade beads were sometimes called ‘gulimin’ beada- for the port of entry.

Lapis Lazuli: Prized by the earliest inhabitants of India, Persia, Mesopotania and Egypt, Lapis Lazuli consists of grains of several blue minerals. The flecks visible on it are gold deposits from mines. Lapis was called ‘the heavenly stone’ by early Egyptians because it resembled the color of the sky.

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