Pearl/Turquoise 3 Line Collar (COO2TURP)


This 3 Line Collar is comprised of medium sized pearls, with bar shaped turquoise and silver beads. Collar measures approximatley 16″ in length and 6″-7″ circ.

The English word ‘Pearl’ originated from the Latin word ‘Perla’. Pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries and because of this, the word Pearl has become a metaphor for something very rare, fine, admirable and valuable.

Pearls are formed in shellfish as a natural defense against an irritant. Layers of nacre are secreted around the irritant, gradually building up to form the solid pearl.

Folklore: When Cleopatra and Mark Antony were forming their alliances, Cleopatra showed off her wealth by placing two very large pearls in a glass of vinegar, as Mark Antony watched them dissolve she explained that ‘she and Egypt’ were so wealthy, that they could afford to war against Rome.

Turquoise: Found in Persia and traded through out Turkey (hence the derivation of the name from “Turkish” stone). Turquoise is one of the oldest substances used to make jewelry.

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